Thursday, May 10, 2012

Arms and Shoulders

You can understand when somebody tries to control his body language while looking at his arms. This person possibly holds one arm to keep both of them.
Expanding: If you keep your arm away from you it shows confidence. It indicates comfort and trust.
However, when your arm is closed or crossed, this is a protective or uninviting position. The person might intend to defense himself or to hide himself for not being noticed. Meanwhile, pay attention to his thumbs. Since, crossed arms with thumbs up indicate approval or agreement. Otherwise, crossed arms mean disagreement.

In a nutshell crossed arms show anxiety but this can’t be generalized for every situation. It can even be a relaxed position.

When you touch someone’s arm, this indicates invitation, trust or sympathy. If you want to persuade someone or make the person trust you, you can touch his arm.

If the person is excited or confident, he waves his arms a lot. But, in a less confident situation his arms get smaller and closer to the body.
Although shoulders don’t have much movement, they can indicate many a signal.

Raising shoulders give the message that the person feels anxiety or fear. If this occurs with a lowering head, this indicates the fear more obviously.

Pushing shoulders back shows a bigger torso. So, it can demonstrate dominancy.

Shrugging shoulders means “I don’t know”

Turning shoulders while talking to someone shows uncomfortable situation. If someone does it while looking at you, he possibly wants to leave.