Friday, May 11, 2012


It is time to see other facial body languages: the nose, cheeks and chin.
Color of the face can indicate something.
Red face shows embarrassment or anger whilst white face indicates extreme fear.

Rubbing the nose can be a sign of disagreement.

Flared nostrils indicate displeasure or internal judgment.

Sniffing can show disgust or displeasure unless it is because of cold.
Touching nose: If the person tells a lie, he touches his nose. Because, while telling lie blood vessels in the nose dilate and the nose swells and be red. As a result the person tries to itch it.

If a person holds his chin, he feels threatened. It is a defensive move.
It also shows that the person is thinking hard.

Pulling cheeks shows disapproval.
Blowing cheeks out indicates uncertainty. It can also show exhaustion.
Touching cheeks may sign horror or surprise.
After these body language indicators, I will give a chart where you can find all signals of our emotions
Eyes damp; eyebrows slightly pushed together; trembling lower lipchin possibly wrinkled; head slightly tilted down.
Eyes wide and staring; eyebrows pulled down (especially in middle); wrinkled forehead; flared nostrilsmouth flattened or clenched teeth bared; jutting chin, red face.
Mouth smiling (open or closed); possible laughter; crows-feet wrinkles at sides of sparkling eyes; slightly raised eyebrowshead level.
Eyes cast down and possibly damp or tearful; head down; lips pinched; head down or to the side.
Eyes staring; mouth corners turned down; nose turned in sneer; chin jutting.
Steady gaze of eyes at item of interest (may be squinting); slightly raised eyebrowslips slightly pressed together; head erect or pushed forward.
Eyes looking away; face generally immobile; corners of mouth turned down or lips pulled to the side; head propped up with hand.